Have You Ever Gotten 5 Flat Tires in One Month?

Imagine you’re on your way to work. You hit a pothole and hear the rumble of a flat tire. Not only do you have to get out and change the tire, you also have to call work and let them know you’ll be late. Maybe you realize you don’t have a spare and have to wait for roadside assistance. Maybe you can’t afford roadside assistance and are simply stranded. 

Sounds terrible, but have you ever gotten five flat tires in one month?

For caregivers experiencing diaper need, that can be exactly how it feels. Without the diapers their children need for the day, they cannot drop them off at childcare. Without childcare, they may not be able to attend work at all. Because of this, caregivers experiencing diaper need miss five days of work per month on average, totaling up to 60 days of work missed per year.

For caregivers earning Michigan’s minimum wage, this means losing out on more than $5,000 each year.

Ending diaper need isn’t just about giving children the diapers they need. It’s also about giving caregivers one less thing to worry about. We want families to not only have the resources they need, but to have the capacity to explore new opportunities and pursue what brings them joy. 

When you make a donation, you give a caregiver in your community the diapers they need to spend less time worrying and more time with their family.


We Don't Want To Brag, But...


One Less Thing To Worry About