Make a Donation

The average monthly cost of menstrual supplies for a young person is $20. For diapers, the monthly cost for a caregiver is $100. With your donations, we can buy period supplies and diapers in bulk at a discount to ensure young people in our community have what they need to thrive.

No matter how much you can give, your donation shows your support for our work and our values. It is a commitment to making a difference in our community, and we are grateful for your partnership.

A person holds a variety of coins in their cupped hands.
A Black woman holds a bundle of tampons up against the Kalamazoo skyline.

There are plenty of ways to get involved. Donate, volunteer, or share our mission with a friend. Every little bit helps, and we cannot do it alone.

Join Our Collective

A person holds their hand up in front of a white sheet.
A person cups their hands together to hold a bundle of lights up to the sky.